Exploring the Akashic Records: my story

Violetta Pleshakova
11 min readOct 7, 2018

When people ask me how I discovered the Akashic Records, I respond truthfully: I didn’t discover, I remembered them.

As weird as it sounds, awareness of the notion “Akashic Records” simply emerged out of nothing, and became an essential part of my world. One day about three years ago (in May 2015 to be precise) I woke up knowing that the Akashic Records exist. I immediately decided to find an Akashic Records consultant and get a reading as soon as possible.

Let me give you a definition:

Akashic Records are a non-physical, universal, higher-dimensional, energetical database containing information about everything that is — people, places, planets, and so on.

The word “Akasha” in Sanskrit means heaven, ether, open space. Think of it as an infinite, eternal, ethereal library where every Soul has its own book, containing data about the past, the present, the future.

This library exists beyond space and time. It is purely vibrational, untouchable yet reachable, always available, all-knowing, and true.

Cool, right? So, that was the place I was headed to.

A throwback to my childhood:

I was born with the veils between the worlds open.

At the age of 4 or so, I started bugging my family about past lives and claimed I should had been born in the 19th century and not in modern-day Russia. It remains unclear as to how the concept of reincarnation made it to the child’s brain, but there it was. I persisted with my past live pursuits to the point of convincing my parents to let me be hypnotized at the age of 14. My only burning question was, who was I in my past life. That session was my first tangible experience of astral travel. I made it all the way to some grand-looking hallway, where an old wise guide greeted me…only to deny me any further access!

Finally, some 15 years later, I was going to get me some answers.

I think my awareness of the Akashic Records was cooking up inside me for a while, waiting for the right moment to burst into my life like a flash of insight. I might have read about it somewhere, I might have stumbled upon the term online, I might have received guidance in a dream — this way or another, it showed up as a strong and undeniable calling.

Instead of googling it, I asked one of my esoterically inclined friends if she knew anything about the Records and anyone who could help me further. To my astonishment, my friend informed me that she had recently met someone who was an experienced Akashic Records consultant. The very same day I was on the phone with my soon to be Akashic Records teacher, and booked my reading.

I knew I was onto something.

Me not knowing how I knew about the Records makes the entire thing extra beautiful for me. That sacred rememberance, that reconnection, that “divine download” is one of my favorite states ever.

Just knowing something to be true without knowing or even needing to know how and why — it is out of this world, and it is unshakeable, visceral, all-encompassing. It washes over the entire body like a waterfall of goosebumps. It has a distinct taste of intensity, totality, inevitability. It leaves no back doors, it closes them — and brings a deep sense of peace and relaxation into the newly acquired insight.

Looking back at my life, I see how my most important decisions and crucial turning points were brought about by these episodes of crystallized guidance that had no intellectual reasoning component to it. I just knew, I had no need to know how I knew, and because I knew so clearly, I could act on it easily.

This is the thing about the Records: some of us have been working with them for lifetimes, and simply have the “access code” in our Soul Blueprint, ready to get activated, so we can reconnect with our deeper wisdom, heal karmic wounds, and help others do the same. And that said, I also believe that virtually anyone is capable of learning how to access and work with the Records. It is not some kind of exclusive priestess-only super-secret system…however, it requires a ton of spiritual discernment, discipline, self-awareness, and training to be able to put all human judgment aside and work with the Akashic domain from a place of pure connection and openness.

The day I had my reading was a moment of truth that changed the trajectory of my life. To say I was thrilled would be an understatement — I was totally psyched (and as it turns out, psychic — pun intended). It felt like something magical was about to take place…

And so it did.

The reading blew me away, and shook me up.

It answered so many questions, and left me hungry for more. Above all else, it opened the door to something very mysterious yet familiar, profoundly sacred yet closer to “home” than anything ever.

By an interesting coincidence, the evening after my reading I was scheduled to participate in a 10 km women’s run in Berlin. And there I was — running amongst hundreds of others, feeling my body but simultaneously hovering above it. The discomfort of the last kilometer faded into visceral understanding of WHO I REALLY WAS. I was no longer running there as one conscious young female human. I was running there as an ancient wise Soul experiencing yet another lifetime on Earth, as a member of the Order of Magdalene and a number of other mystery schools, as a Blueprint Changer on a mission.

For me, connection with that knowledge and acceptance of it changed everything — especially the way I saw and treated myself.

That day during the reading session and afterwards on the run, everything I have already suspected about myself was confirmed, and something I felt but could not name was unveiled.

That was my INITIATION.

Mind you, this isn’t a story of “my life was shit but then I discovered the Akashic Records, and became the queen of the world overnight”. And this isn’t a story about THE approach that is “better” or more special than any other. No. I don’t believe in “one-trick-solves-all” kind of thing, or in any type of silver bullet solution. What I do believe in instead is: finding something that clicks for you, and finding it when the time is right.

About “the click”:

Have you ever had that feeling like something is missing, but you don’t know what it is? That was my undercurrent feeling about myself and life. It seemed to me as if I had some secret locked up inside, something I could not quite name or grasp. For years it evaded me. I had incredible breakthroughs and made great progress thanks to various personal development modalities, especially coaching…but some mysteries (especially all the reincarnation related stuff) remained unsolved.

I felt like I was a puzzle with 999 pieces and one still missing.

Always so close, and always not there yet.

The desire to find that missing piece and experience that “click” propelled my self-exploration, and lead me to the Akashic Records work. Through that, my interest in reincarnation, my psychic experiences as a child, my strong intuitive abilities, and passion for transformation blended together. For me, it was the right reference frame for what already existed within me.

About the right time:

I am a big believer in divine timingoccurrences orchestrated by the universal conductor in a manner that defies logic yet delights the heart.

You know how sometimes the answer is within arm’s reach, but we simply do not see it? That’s because in the grand scheme of things, many elements need to fall into place and multiple energies need to align for us to be truly ready for a pivotal shift to occur. I see it with the Records all the time: some people sign up for a session months after they came across my offerings, and some find me by mere serendipity, and jump on the opportunity to do the work right away. Your Soul AND your human self need to be ready, willing, and able to receive the information that the Akashic Records hold for you.

How do you know the time is right for you to do this work?

Or any other work, for that matter? In my perspective, it is all a matter of resonance, and resonance is simply something you feel. It is like a deeper pull within, a calling, a longing for more — not knowing why. Then, you can trust this feeling and answer this calling…or not. It may come again…or not. But you never know unless you allow yourself to explore, right?

Why is Akashic Records work so potent?

Because it goes deep. It doesn’t just explain things — it unveils them.

Think of it as veils lifted, layers of the onion peeled. Dimensions exposed one by one. Vibrational layers of reality opening up. Waves and waves of healing Light straight from Source becoming available to aid your Soul’s path…It can be beautiful to the point of awe and majestic to the point of overwhelm.

That’s what I call: intensity. And sometimes intensity is the price we pay for aligning with our Soul, our path, our Truth. Looks like a fair deal to me!

Hence, the Akashic Records work is just that — WORK.

It is not to be mistaken for a fancy high-vibe spiritual bypass that simply wipes your karma clean, absolving you from any responsibility or repercussion in the earthly realm.

And as any serious personal development work, it requires being very willing and ready. In my case, oh so ready I was! In April-May 2015 I experienced a full-on intuitive awakening. I mean, I used to be psychic as a child, and had a variety of mystical experiences as well as a vibrant spiritual practice my whole life…But THAT was different. It felt like a giant cosmic brick hit me on the head, and cracked my third eye open (opening everything else with it).

I was ON, and the time was NOW. “Vi in Wonderland” would be the title of that story (I might be sharing more about that some other time).

It all happened in the aftermath of a heart-wrenching breakup, which left me devastated and clueless. I was searching for answers, I wanted an explanation. I felt so raw and vulnerable. Plus, full-on open intuitively and mystically. Something had to give. I was hurting, but willing. Willing to pick up the pieces and see the light. Willing to find my inner core and face the truth like never before. I was waking up to my pain and through this I was waking up to myself.

So I started my Akashic work. I went through several rounds of clearing and faced deepest stuff ever.

It finally made sense to me why therapy, coaching, and other things did not go ALL the way for me: because they explored only THIS one lifetime, while my deepest issues and therefore the real answers to my most pressing questions were hiding in OTHER lifetimes and dimensions.

Unearthing all that information was huge for me. Life-changing, monumental, jaw-droppingly epic.

How is all of this even possible?

Being a cosmic depository with insight on everything that is, the Akashic Records can take you to places where more “rational” or behavior-based methods simply cannot go, and give you perspectives that cannot be obtained otherwise.

I have come to realize that my Soul actually planned it that way — to have mysteries to dig out and thus find my way back to the deep work I was meant to do and offer.

Immediately after I received my first reading, I saw I simply had to bring this undeniable mystical potency to what I was already doing. I knew it could give people that extra depth, that crucial new layer they might have been missing without ever realizing it.

I spent the summer of 2015 deeply immersed in my Akashic studies.

I brought all my nerdy habits and my academically trained PhD holding brain to the party. With careful and competent personal 1:1 guidance of my mentor Argante Simone Steuernthal, I progressed quickly. I remember with gratitude all the long afternoons we spent having tea at my place, with my cat always sitting on our notes or playing with our crystals.

I find myself beyond blessed to have been able to study the Records with an experienced teacher in person — her watching over my first shaky moves with the pendulum, answering my quirky questions, expanding my perception beyond any one particular method or way of access. To me, it was not about mastering a new method per se, it was about stepping into my Healer — Priestess — Oracle self. It was one part training, one part initiation.

Nowadays, one can learn to access and even professionally read the Akashic Records through a variety of approaches and courses offered online, which is great. I love seeing the Akashic Records become as popular and accessible as astrology. The world is ready for this, and I trust that soon knowing one’s Soul origin and profile will be as widespread, in demand and “normal” as getting a personalized horoscope.

However, I think this work — just like any other avenue of work focused on being of service to people’s transformation and healing — comes with a great responsibility, and thus extends way beyond learning a sequence of steps and swinging a pendulum over a reading sheet from a method carefully crafted by someone else.

Discernment, ability to handle depth and uniqueness of each case, and intense mystery school level training are those extras that separate superficiality from the real deal.

That requires non-stop practice, training, and self-development work.

For me, all the core learning came from working on my own Records.

The first year was intense. I cleared dark, heavy, painful things and memories.

Witch hunts, torture, and fears of persecution that had to be expelled from my very bones…

The fall of Atlantis and haunting, bitter grief of losing everything I loved…

Images of being thrown out of the Temple in Ancient Egypt, feeling humiliated and alone…

Betrayals. Envy. Violence. Enslavement. Despair.

I have been patiently and passionately clearing and healing it all — so that the glory of my Soul and its Truth could shine unobstructed. So in contrast to all the karmic wounding and the murky waters of my many difficult lifetimes, nurturing the connection to my Soul has been a consistent source of unconditional bliss, self-love, and inspiration.

In the Records of others, I saw things as intense and as magnificent as in my own. I helped people get rid of curses and negative entities, bend broken relationships and release unaligned ones, come closer to themselves and find new direction in life. The list goes on and on…

Has my life changed from all the deep work I have done?

Oh yes! With every round of clearing and each theme I worked on, at some point my reality realigned, and issues that haunted me stopped occurring, and things that were a trigger no longer arose.

Energetically, it felt like some layers were lifted. There was more freedom, more space, more clarity. But these changes were not immediate miracles — I would be lying if I told you otherwise. This is quantum level energy work: the impact on the Soul is immediate, and then your earthly reality needs to catch up. You can expect things to change, shake up, and rearrange themselves. Your timeline will change. Your energy will change. That’s for sure!

I am still going at it, peeling my layers and operating free from the illusion that anyone’s Soul story is easier or harder. Because the truth is: we are all on our paths, we are all doing the best we can. And sometimes we have the sanity to ask for help, the openness to accept it, and the grace to be transformed by it. To me, this is the core of my Akashic Records work: offering a helping hand, a new perspective, and a powerful tool to those who are ready to receive it.

Image by Alessio Lin on Unsplash.com



Violetta Pleshakova

Feminine Leadership Mentor, High Priestess, Transformational Trainer, PhD | templeofstarfire.com